Our Mission, Vision and Core Values

Our mission

 Motivated by Christ’s love, Stepping Stone Trust journeys with people to find a place of standing,

hope, recovery and wellness.

Our vision

An organisation that seeks to partner and collaborate with mana whenua ki waitaha to honour

the treaty covenant through providing culturally informed services to deliver wellbeing for all.

Providing a place of standing, hope, recovery and wellness, Stepping Stone Trust seeks to be:

A mental health provider of first choice

A leader in innovation

Flexible and responsive

Holistic, client centred and strengths based

Delivering evidence-based practice that provides effective outcomes.

 Our core values

Faith - supporting tāngata whaikaha and staff to explore belief in God as a pathway to wellness

Grace - accepting and respecting people regardless

Hope - every person has value, potential and new possibilities

Love - being professional and showing respect in all of our relationships

Integrity - practising accountability with each other and stakeholders.