Recovery College

The Recovery College runs across four terms – Summer School and Autumn, Winter and Spring Terms.

All courses are run by peer educators or co-designed and delivered by professionals teamed with peer supporters.

It is an intentional peer project where people with lived experience come as learners and facilitators to focus on developing a variety of recovery tools to support their wellbeing journey. Courses range from making beeswax wraps to trauma-informed yoga to learning about peer support and living well with minority states of reality.

For more information send an email to:

A Peer Worker is someone who has their own lived experience of mental distress and/or addictions, and recovery experience relevant to their work setting. Their role is to nurture hope and inspire others using their personal experience of recovery as a support tool, alongside skills learned from formal training such as Intentional Peer Support and the Level 4 Health & Wellbeing Certificate (Peer Support.)